Reality U

On Wednesday, January 22, USD405 will host Reality U in our Middle School gymnasium for 8 &10th grades as well as all other schools in Rice County.  We will also have aproximately 30 volunteers from the community to assist that day. Reality U brings “reality” to students in the Kansas area and teaches them about personal finance in an interactive and engaging way.

Below is a video Zach Vogel’s class created of last year’s event.


Here is the event schedule in the Lyons Middle School  gym for Jan. 22.

     8:00-8:30 AM Volunteer Training

     8:30-10:00 AM - Sterling

     10:00-11:30 AM – Chase/Little River 11:30-12:10 Lunch

     12:10-1:40 PM Lyons 8th grade

     1:40-3:10 PM  Lyons 10th grade


Speakers for the event:

Clint Beiberle – Reality After High School, Returning Home

John Cannon - Unpacking the Emotional Bag, Being Resilient in Life (ACES)

Joel Grizzle- Saying NO to Debt (FPU-Dave Ramsey)

Justin Holiday & Casey Rowland along with Lyons PD – The Cost of Delinquency\

Christi Reid & Angie Linden- Budget Breakdown

Denise Dickson- HS Counselor Prep Talk for High School, Graduation and After

Printable Schedule

Printable Booth List

What is Reality U?

The goals of Reality U are:

  1. Teach teens that their performance in school today can affect their future.
  2. Provide students with the opportunity to learn and practice personal finance skills.
  3. Mobilize the community to become involved stakeholders in education, particularly financial literacy education in their local schools.
  4. Meet several National Standards for Financial Literacy:
    1. Students will use rational decision-making and planning to set and implement financial goals
    2. Students will understand sources of income and the relationship between income and career preparation
    3. Students will understand principles of money management
    4. Students will understand credit uses and costs.

Check out their video

Sources: › programs › reality-u