Phone: 620-257-5114
Best Time To Call: Mon-Thurs: 12:40-1:28 or Friday: 12:02-12:42
Email: lbowers@usd405.com
Mrs. Leah Bowers is the art instructor at Lyons High School. Mrs. Bowers is an LHS graduate from the class of 2010. After high school, Mrs. Bowers attended Kansas State University and earned her bachelor's degree in Art Education, certified K-12. After graduating from KSU in 2014, Mrs. Bowers taught middle school and high school art at Herington Schools for three years. During that time Mrs. Bowers was involved in many activities. She coached cheerleading and dance, was a junior class sponsor and served on the negotiations team; in addition to other extracurricular activities.
Currently, Mrs. Bowers is serving as the cheerleading and dance coach, on the individual plan of the study committee, building leadership team, calendar committee, Rice County Arts Council, Coaches Council, and serves on the negotiations team.
This is Mrs. Bowers's third year, as an instructor, at USD 405. She hopes to make many new connections within the district and community.
Welcome to my site! I am eager to be back in the community and school that I grew up in. This town and school district was such a positive influence for me in many aspects, and I can't wait to now BE that positive influence on the many students and community members. My philosophy about education, and particularly art, is that every student is able to achieve their goals. All it takes is some time, dedication, and willingness to try and fail, and try again! I can't wait to see all the students surprise themselves when they surpass what they think they are able to do!
Show up to class on time and prepared to learn.
Be engaged in what you're doing.
Encourage your peers.
Be respectful to yourself, your classmates, the instructor and all materials.